MCQs in Pharmacology

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MCQs in Pharmacology

MCQ'S in Pharmacology 

Medical and Paramedical graduates aspiring for higher education planning to take PG course ought to appear in Entrance Examinations. These Entrance Examinations are usually patterned in objective type questions. Pharmacology forms an integral part of curriculum of medical and paramedical courses. It is an important subject and deals with the biological response elicited by a drug in the human body. Quite a large number of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) appear in PG medical and paramedical competitive examinations in this subject. MCQs test a candidate's ability to apply his knowledge gained during regular class work in the subject. Framing a question paper based on MCQs is time consuming and evaluation of answers is not subjective and biased but based on merit. Several universities now-a-days are adopting MCQ pattern for their examination system. This system of evaluation can be computerized and human bias can be eliminated to a greater extent. The Medical Council of India in their latest recommendations on the medical education and examination have stipulated that part of the question paper should be objective type based.

  • Paperback: 244 pages
  • Publisher: New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers (2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 8122422586
  • ISBN-13: 978-8122422580

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